Contact Us

Our Location


Zonal Coordinators

Zones are meant for reporting ( testifying or testimony, dreams, illness etc) and planning services.

Plymouth & Southwest Zone:

Coordinator - Priest Pash Canby, supported by SD Uzzi & Milla

East Midlands:

Coordinator - CE Dzimba supported by Priest Kunyeti & SD Marrily & SD Blessing & SD Melo

West Midlands to include Wales:

Coordinator - CE N. Mhlanga supported by CE Muti & SD Mufaro & SD Romeo

London and the South Coast:

Coordinator - DE Kangai supported by Mai Ndayi, SD Mpume & Lawrence & SD Shingi & Amanda

The North to include Scotland & Ireland, Ireland:

Coordinator - DE Rwapunga supported by SD Darlington & Mother Os Tope & SD Yeu & Edith


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We are here to answer any questions you may have regarding TACC in the UK. Reach out to us via email and we will respond as soon as we can.